Lucidchart teams
Lucidchart teams

When these two departments align, leads become conversions and trials become sign-ups. Which team claims responsibility for increased sign-ups, revenue, conversions? Hard to say (it's marketing) but in truth, it's the combined efforts of both departments that creates an environment for a company to succeed. Automatically Pull Data and Create Leads in Salesforce Essential to Micaela's work on the marketing team are two specific Zaps: One syncs leads with the sales ops team and the other simplifies email QA. With a Zapier team account, Micaela and Lucidchart built multiple Zaps and shared them across departments. Using their new secret weapon, Lucidchart's quality assurance (QA) checks decreased by 30% and they optimized the flow of information between the marketing and sales teams. Shared Folders, a Zapier for Teams feature, gives multiple users access to a team's Zaps-a bridge between two or more apps. To help them in that mission, they use Shared Folders in app automation tool Zapier. Taking that principle to heart, Lucidchart worked to maintain cross-team communication and keep different departments collaborating. With group chat and comments, viewable revision history, and more, Lucidchart knows teams that collaborate have a better chance of succeeding. From flowcharts to network diagrams to ERDs ( entity relationship diagrams), Lucidchart makes it easy for their clients to collaborate with each other. For Lucidchart, collaboration is more than just a way to work together-it's built into their product.

Lucidchart teams